How to reset to Blackberry Factory settings

For BlackBerry Desktop Manager 4.7 to 5.0.1 and BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.0

On 32-bit Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7:

1. On the computer, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. (Note: Windows Vista and 7, right-click and select Run As Administrator.)
2. Type cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader and press Enter.
3. Type loader.exe /resettofactory and press Enter.

On 64-bit Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7:

1. On the computer, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. (Note: For Windows Vista and 7, right-click and select Run As Administrator.)
2. Type cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader and pressEnter.
3. Type loader.exe /resettofactory and press Enter.


To access the Support Tools feature of BlackBerry Desktop Software, click on the Help button labeled with a question mark, then move the mouse over Support resources, and then click on Support tools.
Functionality of the Support Tools feature of BlackBerry® Desktop Software
Generate Support Log - Clicking this button will obtain the following files from the BlackBerry smartphone:
Devicedir.txt - A listing of all applications installed on the BlackBerry smartphone.
deviceinfo.txt - An output of information on the device.
eventlog.txt - The Handheld Java® Event Log.
screenshot.bmp - A screenshot of what was displayed on the screen of the BlackBerry smartphone when the Generate button was clicked.
Once the Generate button is pressed, a BlackBerryDeviceSupport folder will be created on the Desktop. Inside this folder there will be a DeviceReport folder that contains the files that have been created. Clicking the Browse to log files link will automatically open this folder.
This folder can also be found on the local computer by browsing to:
On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\BlackBerryDeviceSupport\
On Windows 7: C:\users\user\Desktop\BlackBerryDeviceSupport\

Change Log Level
Clicking the Normal and Debug buttons will toggle the BlackBerry smartphone logs between their normal and debug settings.
Reset to Factory Settings
Clicking this button will put the BlackBerry smartphone back to its factory settings. This method doesNOT remove third-party applications from the smartphone. The BlackBerry smartphone must be running BlackBerry Device Software 4.3 or newest version

for Mac: -

For BlackBerry Desktop Software 2.4 for Mac
1.    Close the BlackBerry Desktop Software if it is open.
2.    On the computer, click on Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
3.    Type cd /Applications/BlackBerry\ Desktop\ and pressEnter.
4.    Type ./bbdm resettofactory and press Enter.
Note: If the smartphone has a password enabled, that password must be specified within the command line. For example, type " ./bbdm -password 12345 resettofactory" (where 12345 is the BlackBerry smartphone password).


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